
Hey! I’m mofei(whose head flying around). I am a self-taught kid surviving from Shanghai lockdown 2022. I like to learn and play with computer-generated stuff.  Obsessed with those kind but also wired faces of the normal people, and then drag them into different computer programs.

嗨!我是莫非aka善良的果子狸(头在屏幕上飞那位),一个self-taught kid,之间拍过纪录片小广告,现在在向音乐视觉方向摩擦,在媒介间游走,学完就离开。 我喜欢观察普通人哪些没来得及控制的、有点窘迫但却很善良的表情,也喜欢把真实生活中那些随机的、一点都不费力的片段拽进软件。

you can also find me at ︎ mofei_weiii  or ︎ me